Are you a retail insurance broker having difficulty placing a casualty account because the standard markets have declined your risk? Why not let Risk Management Solutions be your back office support by utilizing our Excess & Surplus lines insurers and international markets to assist in your placements. We specialize in casualty placements for general liability, products, professional liability, and workers’ compensation as well as excess liability and umbrellas. Our markets can also provide other coverages such as automobile, cyber liability, pollution liability as well as property and allied products. As one of the only minority owned wholesale operations in the United States, we offer a unique and innovative approach to supporting your insurance placement issues.
Risk Management Solutions of America is an independent wholesale brokerage operation. Our access to specialty markets provides us with the ability to make specialty placements in the disciplines of property, casualty, and professional liability. We utilize a team approach which allows us to maximize expertise and experience, producing the best solutions and coverage for each account.
Represents more than 40 insurance carriers
Appointed by Lloyds of London
Currently working with retail brokers nationally–including three of the largest
Expertise in development of specific policy language and coverages
Currently developing specialty programs for multiple industry groups
RMSOA has and will continue to develop strong relationships with carriers that handle the most challenging accounts. This commitment ensures RMSOA can get the job done for you.
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